Mexichem brand, a leading multinational in the provision of products and solutions for the petrochemical, construction, infrastructure, agriculture, health, transportation, telecommunications and energy sectors, among others. Pavco manufactures and distributes drinking water conduction systems and solutions for sewerage, rainwater collection, irrigation, energy, telecommunications and gas conduction.
Quala SA is a Colombian multinational of mass consumption dedicated to the production and commercialization of products belonging to the beverage, culinary, personal care, candy and frozen categories. With direct presence in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua
Magma Engineering
The MAGMA name stands for robust and innovative foundry solutions, as well as a strong association with the metal foundry industry. By combining knowledge of the casting process and simulation capabilities, MAGMA works on the cost-effective optimization of castings and casting processes.
As a consequence of the growth of Flexo Spring SA in 1994 this company decides to divide its production lines, and with this the Colombian Company of Blown and Injection ECSI SA; nowadays leader in the packaging market.